I write songs, movie scripts, animations, sculpting, painting, comics, novels, and pretty much anything else considered art out there. Demetrios is the name. Website is in the works. TBA.

Demetrios @Demetrios

Age 29, Male

Starbucks Co.

Some Community College

USA, California.

Joined on 7/13/10

Exp Points:
912 / 1,110
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5.18 votes
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12,305 Points

Something's Not right here... 5 Points

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Apples 5 Points

Add an Orchard to the Farm.

Wyrmslayer 10 Points

Defeat a Wyrm.

Heavier Lifter 25 Points

Buy a Super Pack.

Distant Shores 25 Points

Build the Dock.

Experiments 25 Points

Build the Laboratory.

Infinite Blood 25 Points

Build the Wyrm Pen.

Setting Sail 50 Points

Build a Boat.

Hatchling 50 Points

Hatch a Dragon from a Cocoon.

Shiny 25 Points

Mine a Diamond.

Latest News

3428623_154457779923_IcewomanWitchhouseEDITSIG.pngHello my Radical Ones!

This may be my first ever news post, if not, in a long time.  I want to say that a storm's a' brewin' and it's a good one, if you know what I mean. No? Well, I will be posting my own art here now that I am more serious about this no longer being my hobby, not just a career, but a passion. I've come to a point in my life to where I realized that the only life worth living, is one with the most peace, ease, joy, and prosperity. Wouldn't it be great if we could all live in harmony? Well I think about it moreso every day, the older I get. Treat this life like the only life you got, and do what makes you happy. 

You know what sets me free? What gives me joy and eases my stress? What gives me a great feeling of satisfaction and peace? Art. All of it. Whether I carve something out of wood one day, or write a book, and settle with a nice song or two before bed, and then a fun little animation...it's all wonderful. I hope there are others that feel the same, and do the same thing, and I want to say, if you're still reading, it might be possible that you can relate to this. To even think that I am not alone in this world gives me enough to keep going on. Enjoy everyday, and do what your heart desires, even if you think others are going to say something dumb about it, don't worry about them, because at the end of the day, it is you that feels wonderful.

Be amazing, do what you're meant to do. Even if that means posting some content that gives people a chance to look at it and say something about it. Worry stops us. Only you can prevent worry fires. :)
